Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Big Ben!

There are so many things I love about being in London, but one is seeing Big Ben! It always reminds me of the story of Peter Pan, one of my favourite London-based books, and since then, a favourite movie… depending on if it’s the Disney version, or any of the other ones that have been made.

I love that idea of the boy who didn’t want to grow up, and while there are times that I see adults who want to remain childlike in a way that’s not helpful, there is definitely a context that we are all called to be children, to come into God’s presence like children, open, aware, trusting of our Heavenly Father.

So when I see Big Ben, I am reminded of the scene in Disney’s Peter Pan, when Peter descends on London ready for fun, adventure, and new discoveries, and likewise endeavour to look ahead with that perspective too!

Matthew 11: 25-26
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

Matthew 18: 2-4
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


As part of this time I am having at the moment, I am loving listening to talks by people from all over the world! It is wonderful having the time to ‘take a deep breath’ breathe in what is being shared in different churches and seeing how they all compliment each other, though they are from completely different places. It’s wonderful to see how God’s word works together, that it is real, life giving, our food and drink.

I was thinking about it all though and was challenged particularly by the concept of gentleness. I was listening to a talk earlier today, which really highlighted it for me, in a roundabout way! I mean gentleness in the calm, patient, caring, thoughtful kind of way, not a weak concept at all. It struck me that it could be seen as weak, of not being special or unique, and ‘nothing’, or something not worth anything, but I don’t think it’s that at all.

Being gentle in all things takes great strength, as we seek to stand for what God says in all circumstances, without bowing and being overruled, or going over the top in the other extreme. Philippians 4:4-6 came to mind as did 1 Timothy 6:11-12. Much to think on, and be challenged by, and challenged to live out....!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Snow photos

Well, I am sitting up here, tapping away on the computer, very aware of all the events that may be happening on the other side of the world today, and waiting, for, well, something, so am uploading photos!

I had taken some photos of the snow a couple of weeks ag, yet hadn't had a chance to upload them, so here they are!

The photo above was the scene that greeted me as I came out that Sunday morning- beautiful! It was absolutely magical!

This one, was while I was out walking across the Common (local park) to the cafe. It looks like most of the snow had gone, but it was still snowing at the time, so again, was wonderful! It's much warmer now, which is probably a very good thing, but I did enjoy it!
A beautiful picture, of grace, forgiveness, purity, and more:)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Right. So this week, I have been told to stop Mothering someone, and by another, that I should START Mothering them! What's with that! In both cases though, I really didn't want to be doing anything close to Mothering these people, and yes, in one case I was, where I shouldn't have been, and in the other I said no... One mother and one father in any family tends to be quite enough, otherwise it just get's confusing!

Anyway, the 2 episodes together got me thinking about the concept of mothering- as in: Stop Mothering me! and what we mean by that. I guess, when we are saying that, we are really saying something along the lines, that someone has overstepped the boundaries between themselves. They are trying to take on responsibilities and tasks that are not theirs to do. We are depriving that other person of an experience, or opportunity to see how well they will do in a situation. We are depriving them their space, opportunities for them to stretch out, find their space, and their limits or boundaries. We aren't allowing that person the opportunity to grow.

I realised too, how easy it is to try and take things into my own hands, with people, and with God. It's so much easier, when we know what to do, to step in, or make the comment, do the job, or whatever it is. In thinking about it in terms of my relationship with God, again, it's so easy to try and make things happen, to pre-empt the steps ahead, or try and take onto ourselves things that are not ours to be responsible for. It's a very fine line, as we are called to serve, love and care for others, yet we do need to do so with open hands, and in listening to God, and praying about different things, we need to allow God to make the way ahead clear, so we can see HIM at work and not us, and what we want to have happen, to see his way made clear, and his Glory revealed! Much more fun!

It's a fine line and balance between one and the other though...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Whiter than the snow....

There's a song we sing sometimes that has the above line in it, and I understood it in a whole new way today!

After a slightly fraught morning, I was getting ready to go to church, then realised I didn't ACTUALLY have to go to church, as I would be going tonight anyway(which was a good thing in the end as it was the same sermon!), so I came out and down for breakfast to see the amazing sight of snow falling on the roof outside! It completely stopped me in my tracks for a few minutes as I watched it falling onto everything outside. Completely silent, completely white, covering everything.

It was such a picture to me of forgiveness, grace, the slate wiped clean, beauty, redemption!

So instead of going to church, instead of staying home and listening to some sermons, I went out on the common (local park), and went for a lovely long walk to enjoy it for as long as it would last, have a coffee in a cafe, and slowly head home. It was an absolute gift, and lovely treat- one that just can't be planned or created. It just is. Like grace, forgiveness, beauty, redemption.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Body of Christ

There are so many things that I love about what goes into the Body of Christ. It is made up of people, with different needs, wants, expectations. They are all in a different place, have dfferent experiences, different perspectives, gifts, talents and understandings.

How then, do we, as the body of Christ work together to support each other? if one has a problem, they all have a probelm(like our bodies- eg a sore toe, or a broken arm!).

We are all given different understandings, and perspectives. We are all unique and individual, shaped in the likeness of Jesus, yet we aren't the be all and end all, like he is.

How then do we work together and support each other? How then do we say we need help? And if we can't say that, then is there something wrong with the Body of Christ as we know it?

I remember hearing a sermon a few years ago about how the Body of Christ, Christians lived that out as they served each other in practical ways, in serving, supporting, praying for the people in need and it was such a wonderful picture of seeing God, at work, through his people.

Oh, to see more of that, and be more open and available in that way! To see the Body of Christ united, and going in the same direction, seeking God's glory first in all things! What a glorious thing that would be!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


There is something quite surreal to be at the airport, everything, well all the major stable things in life have changed, and home is inside my lap top!

But I am so glad for God's leading, guiding, protecting, growing, and that He knows the way ahead, for me, and for those I have just said bye to!

Thanks for walking this journey with me, and being a part of it in some way!