Friday, September 14, 2007

The lie vs the reality

I watched the movie, Mr and Mrs Smith again tonight! It's an awesome movie, and continues to grow on me!

It is such a striking example of relationships, any kind of relationships, and the difference between the real, and the fake.

Often as Christians, we tend to stick to the 'Nice', do the right thing, stick to what's safe and that's what Jane and John do in this movie.... and it's completely fake, their whole relationship is a lie!

Then in the latter half, the truth comes out. They rediscover what brought them together in the beginning, and came to a new richness and depth in their relationship. They listened, they worked together, and while it wasn't always neat and tidy, it was real, rich, and worthy of their time and effort. It reminded me that we are all real, we make mistakes, we forgive, and share, and tell the truth. And in the end, the relationship is all the better,stronger and more trustworthy for it, whatever the relationship!

And isn't it great to know that God sees it all, He sees all the way through us, and there is no lying, shallowness, hiding away. He knows it all, and we can only be completely real and honest with him, and he asks that of us, and no matter what, loves us unconditionally!

So, once again, how awesome is our God who makes things work so well for the good of those who loves him:)

1 comment:

Nic said...

was going to reply, but ended up blogging a reply.
