Saturday, May 03, 2008

Smaller than the big picture

During my time in Italy and the UK, I have seen a lot of churches! Especially in Italy for a week, we walked through many churches, heard monks singing Gregorian chants, sat and watched, saw a mummified nun, admired the architecture of the different churches of different ages. Amazing. Last week, I went with a Cantonese friend to Westminster Abbey, and that was an experience in itself! It was amazing!! I had never really bothered about going in there before, and am so glad to have had the opportunity to see it finally. I was amazed at how huge it was, but also how much was in there. For a place that is so important and used for so many big events, I was impressed that it hadn’t been completely cleared out!

So yes, in Westminster, there was the graves, or memorials of such people like Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary, Charles II, John and Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, Jane Austen, Jeffrey Chaucer- the list goes on!

The thing that has really, really struck me though, through all of these beautiful buildings, is that none of the architects would have seen the buildings complete, because back then they would have taken decades to build!!!! The people who started working on the buildings would have started in faith, trusting that each building would be completed, and not changed, that they would be used for their original purpose, that they would be special to the people who are able to use them. Talk about being open handed!

So, as I think about projects, people, things that I have been involved with, projects that I have seen the start, or the middle of- I have been reminded of these buildings, how small I am in it all, and what a gift it is, not a given, to see some of these things completed!

Check out some of the buildings I have enjoyed over the last few weeks!


somewhere_smiling said...

Awesome - I'm so jealous, but stoked you're having a great time!!!

Miwa in HK said...

hehe:) Yes, gorgeous time:) But planning to have some gorgeous time with you soon tooo!:) loadsa love:)