Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When I grow up......

I want to be.....

a clown doctor
a baker for a cafe (ed- of cakes, biscuts and treats!)
a barista
a counsellor
a joy giver
a buddy for youth who need a friend and someone to support them
someone who cheers people on (I would say a cheerleader.. but not quite that..!)
a traveller
a prayer warrior
someone who sees God clearly, dramatically, hugely, miraculously at work in my life and the life of those around me..!

I am job hunting at the moment now that I am back in Sydney... looking for the perfect job that will fit in around life, and the perfect course(that I have!)..... good thing it's a no brainer for God!:)

edited... I think this list could and will grow....:)


Anonymous said...

When I grow up I want to....

* continue to jump in puddles.
* find the secret balance between looking after self and others
* find a job that doesn't feel like a job (hmmmm. actually - most of mine atm doesn't feel like a job)
* laugh
* be joyful
* be encouraging.

yeah. you're right. once you get started.... :P

Miwa in HK said...

Haha, that's brilliant! keep the coming! I want to add your list to mine..!:)