Saturday, September 27, 2008


There are times when I really did wish I had super powers! I mean, wouldn’t it be great to have that one thing that made you truly unique and special, like in The Incredibles, the family all had something special… to stretch, dissapear, light fires, run faster than the wind, have super strength… but wouldn’t it be great too, to have regular everyday super powers- to have insight into what’s going on, big picture, strength and stamina to get a large job done, and kept up to date, or prepare extraodinary meals super quickly, or have incredible insight into people’s character and understand the forces at play in different people’s lives..

I think the one I would choose at the moment would be to have the ability to carry others through times of great trouble and adversity, to be the best friend and support possible in whatever way that was needed. But to be perfect in any one thing, let alone everything, isn’t possible in this fallen world, and while we have each been called to do all we can, it doesn’t mean we have to do everything, no matter how much I, or others may want to. I am reminded of the verse… my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness, that it was Jesus who came to seek and save the lost, to bind up the brokenhearted, to bring wholeness to people, not us. Yet in it all, God gives us a part to play, no matter how fallen, broken and sinful we are. We are given second chances, and in God forgiving us wiping away our sins, so we can go out complete, loved and knowing we are part of his great design and plans, that he has good things for us to do…!

With that too, would need to be the power to take the times when I am not treated the way I would like to be treated, and try to treat others, to see past it, and continue to be full of grace...:)

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