Tuesday, January 13, 2009

At what cost..

I have been thinking about today, and all that has happened, mulling over the conversations and events, and good, they have been, rich, full of depth and truth, insightful, helpful. I am missing friends who I used to hang out with so much, but so glad for the friends who are around, and yet, at the same time sad, because many of them are only here for a short time till they head off to do other things.

As I sit here though, I am reminded of the story Jesus told, of the pearl of great price buried in the field. The person who found it, KNEW it's value, and didn't stop to think about the cost, but did whatever it took to have the treasure. It got me thinking... how do I know the real gold from the fools gold that's out there.. how can I recognise the difference and go after it with everything I have, without fear... how do I pursue the Gold, the treasure that Jesus has for mewith asimilarsingle mindedness that the person in the story had...

And yet, while I know I have the absolute best treasure that can possibly be found, in Jesus, God also has treasure for each of us, in other ways as we live wholly and completely for him! Very cool!:) and yet, I yearn to recognise the difference between the Gold, and the Fools Gold, the good from the best....and know how to respond accordingly!

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