Monday, November 26, 2012

God's plans for us

I have the following image as my screensaver on my phone at the moment (Gotta love technology!). I love this passage, and dislike its overuse- knowing that in so many situations, this is the verse of choice- especially Jeremiah 29:11. Jeremiah 29:12-13 though, has always been amazing and challenging. Lesser known, I have always loved/been challenged by the concept of seeking God, anything/anyone with all my heart- and He will be found when we will seek him. And within that comes the intimacy, relationship, depth that comes from laying it all out there.

And yet, it follows that passage that God has a plan (not a vague idea, concept or notion) for Me (and this is the kicker. It's for me, as well as you, as well as people who don't know him, as well as everyone)- and not just for everyone else, as I so often expect or assume. Looking on the face of things, it can seem so clear that it's for everyone else first and I need to make way for their plans before mine, and yet that's not the case. God has a plan for you. For me. For wholeness, for a future and a hope.

And that leads into a whole lot of thinking about wholeness and fragmentation, but am going to save that for another time:)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

God really can do anything

Have had a weekend away from computers (for the most part!) and apart from the planned Christmas shopping, have only missed blogging really.

God is doing a whole lot of things right now (not that he's not always!), but it's giving my life a shake-up, that's for sure. So much I don't understand, and while I am loving it, the more things unfold, the more I don't understand. All fine and good- it's in good hands.

And then there's the really random conversations and comments, and situations that you downplay, and one thing happens after another when finally you realize that there's big change afoot and before you know it you're on a journey that you totally didn't expect. A truly random phone call on the way home from church (which I have now called work twice tonight!) delivered the possibility of yet a whole other vision for next year, which is likewise completely exciting. God is amazing, stretching tent-pegs and beyond my wildest hopes or imaginings.

And so, as I pray about a whole lot of impossible things and events, have added two people who I find impossible to believe would love Jesus with their whole hearts....but going to pray and see what God does.

Ephesians 3:20 comes to mind yet again. Pretty awesome, and so humbling.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Glory to God in the church!
Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
Glory down all the generations!
Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today it's thanksgiving- in certain parts of the world. I love this day, and all the God-values it holds, but also the food and many of the traditions that the American thanksgiving gets to celebrate, not that I have ever celebrated it in America... but the bits that non-Americans, and Americans away from home have celebrated have always been fun!!

This week has been slightly off kilter. Things have been normal, but not quite. work has been normal, but not...home, myself and attitudes... all slightly changed. I guess that's the thing with this kind of clean out- living in the new, and not falling back. Live with  the expectation of who God is and all He has done. As I had got ready for this clean up, I had made a list of things I was hoping to sort out. It wasn't exhaustive by any means, and and while it covered things I was hoping to sort out, I was looking forward to seeing what God did in it all, and that was really awesome to see. He went deeper and broader in ways I couldn't imagine or fathom.

So, this week, giving thanks for what is, was, will be in future and appreciating more and more the 'here and now' with God.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Fun conversations in a day

There's some fun conversations that happen at work, covering faith, culture and norms and expecations in life. In an demographic where many of the people I work with are young women, who are newly married, are pregnant or with young my marital status will often come up in conversation:)

A lovely muslim lady popped in to visit during her break today to say hi. She's someone I have been enjoying getting to know. We got to talking about children- and she's one of a couple there I know who have been starting to go to specialists to move the process along and amazingly they have been sharing with me. She was telling me a little about that then started asking me about if I had kids?...planning to?.. married?... engaged?...boyfriend?... the whole works:) And was quite shocked that I was as I am.

As she left though (having shared a saying about men where she comes from) she said she would be praying for me, so it was lovely to say back, mean it that I would be praying for her too. Really looking forward to meeting her baby- or at least know she's pregnant before she finishes studying!

I had an amazing weekend. Clearing out is good, God is amazing. There's alot to process, trust, entrust and take on board.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Getting ready

Planning a big clean up takes time, and preparation, especially when there's lots to do, and it's not necessarily straightforward..... you're not quite sure what order it should all be in, or how it's going to look at the end. Often clear direction, instructions and clarity are needed when you're trying to say what you want to do- what to keep, chuck, or re-arrange, and that's one area that I am not always good at. Usually the things to clean up are big, or more often, they go really deep, and I can't usually find the words to explain them, which means often I don't say anything at all, and the things that need sorted get left undone.

Am doing a clean up of sorts on the weekend, and started making a list of things I want to potentially sort out. Problem is, much of what's going to happen is unknown, and it's not really for me to say how it's going to look at the other end. There might be a completely different plan to what I am hoping, which is fine, because as always, it's likely to be far better than I could possibly hope for or imagine. I'm so glad God knows what's going on this week, and for this week, and way beyond:)


There are days, and conversations when I realise how amazingly blessed I am, we are, in so many different, and creative ways. The last couple of days at work have been busy, full of people, challenges, needs, possibilities and I am so glad I get to work with them, and support them in all they are doing.

I was at a dinner last night, which was fine, but the conversations with Christians, with more than I have (materially), and probably smarter and higher paying jobs- whatever- but so missing out.... my breathe was taken away for a minute by the comment about 'illegal refugees', and 'positive' stories about the suburb I work in, and I was so sad that there were such limits on a person's understanding. And through through circumstances not my own, I am able to see the people who I work with for who they are. They are amazing, hope filled people who just want a chance to make a better life for their family, and children. And for some, they are happy with what's placed in their hands at the beginning, and that's a huge thing for them, while others want to challenge the boundaries and see how far they can go. They are pretty awesome people.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I was given a project at the beginning of the year... one that should have taken a month, tops. But, as with all projects so it seems, I did the immediate more urgent bit, that showed that something was happening, and then the rest has sat, rather inconceniently in the middle of where I live.... waiting to be finished.

And it has sat. Yesterday though, I was given a deadline, or I could just return it all unfinished. Problem is I really want to, and really di intend to finish it. And so, in a night when I am out every night, I will finish it!

It would be so nice to have a deadline to everything, or to know when a season will end, or when the thing or event you wait for is going to happen, so you can always be ready, always make time to do the things you so want to do now while you can, tell someone that important information, share that Good News. But with all important events, it seems we never really know the time or the place, or the moment, and so we need to make the most of now, because it's not going to last, and we will look back on this time and be grateful for it and appreciate the amazing people in it, and the things we have learned...

And I love that within it all, God's plans aren't our own, they are better, deeper, and beyond what we could ever hope or imagine, especially when he throws in a lovely handful of 'impossible'!!:)

Sunday, November 11, 2012


 'It takes courage to expect the best. Anyone with unbelief can expect the worst'  Bill Johnson.

Read this quote this afternoon, and struck by the amazing implications of that, but for positive and negative. This morning was on leadership and how we respond to it, but also how the Israelites respond ed to it when they were about to enter the Promised Land. The saw teh hugeness and potential for danger and were afraid, rather than keeping their eyes on God, and expecting the best, for themselves and they whole company of people.

But it was Joshua who expected the best, who had the courage to trust God in each circumstance.

It's not fun stepping out and challenging expectations, but so rewarding when you do. God is good!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Waiting patiently

There are things I can wait patiently for, and things I can't. If there's a way I can do something myself, so I don't have to wait, it's likely I will find a way....

And then there's times when I have to force myself to stop.
And be still.
And wait.

Often I will find a way to jump in, and often it's too early, and I will well, sabotage whatever God has in store- or so it seems, and then there's times when I have forced myself not to do anything, and that can be the hardest thing in the world, especially when I just want to know what's going on...

As I was thinking about it today, it reminded me of why we fast sometimes, and the heart process we go through in giving up something, or even taking up something. We choose to turn in a direction contrary to the way we would naturally go, and it's uncomfortable, and awkward, and just feels too hard often, but it's amazing how God works in those times, or adjusts my mindset.

I have a few things I would really like to pick up, and put down this week, and look forward to the challenge of going completely against what I think I can do, and who I think I am...

Thursday, November 08, 2012

God's business

One of the things that was said at Home Group this week was, essentially "Look after God's business, and He will look after yours".  While that's only come back to me this evening really, it's the story surrounding it that's had the impact, not to mention the challenge of looking after God's business- sticking close to him, and he will look after the rest....

Psalm 127 has been talked about a few times this week too- from home group to a work blog, which has been really cool, especially as it's been verses that have been highlighted each time, so it's been nice to sit with those alot this week.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Gifts given

One of my favorite blogs that I have been reading for quite a while now is One Thousand Gifts, written by Ann Voskamp. Among many other things, she counts gifts of grace through her day, life, and blog. The above image is by her.

This morning I was listening to a talk about worship, and realised that it's the second talk I have heard this week that spoke of King David in 2 Samuel 6 saying that he would gladly be this undignified in worshipping God.

It's got me thinking about what I think I can't handle, and what it would look like for me to look that undignified, of solely and completely unaware of myself, my place in worship of God.

Lots of questions have come out of it, and I guess it's time to start writing them down too, but not here. But for now, it's confronting to think about how I evade so many things, and for such reasons as I do. I wonder if it's worth it, and if not, what am I missing.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


I love how God reminds us, of who He is, of who we are in Him. Of his plans, and that, at times we shouldn't be looking always at our circumstances, but to Him, and sticking close to him always. 

At home group right now, we are sharing our stories, of who we are, and how we, well, came to be in that room. Awesome, and awesome to see that while we are all so different, there are so many similarities. Some stand outs are of how God pursues us, how he uses the most unlikely people and circumstances, and yes, England seems to feature quite strongly for quite a few of us!:)

I loved hearing the story about the below verses, and how, in the present here and now, there is one circumstance, while in God's reality, it's a whole other picture, and we can trust His picture over the reality we see. God is my strength and I can trust that and Him, even now!

Monday, November 05, 2012

Oaths and Promises

I had to take an oath this morning, in a Law Court, had a choice of taking the oath on the Bible or not and asking for God's help in it. For a public place, I thought that was pretty cool, especially as the area is known for other religions, and it was almost assumed that I was a Christian and would want to take the oath in that way.

There's promises and promises, and I am realising that there are a couple I may have made inadvertently, and for some, I have had to repent of them, and yes, because I didn't realise quite what I was doing, but there's one that stands out really strongly that I not only need to repent of, but need to do once more what I promised not to do ever again...and I will feel pretty foolish doing it, but who knows what the big picture will be, in the short and long term. But since God is God, and I am me, then it's all good:)

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Faith is an act

Today had to be one of the most distracted days every...noticing it at morning tea today, there were many people I wanted to talk to, things to say, messages to pass on, and yet I knew it wasn't what I should be doing, so it was by sheer force of will at times that I stayed with what I was doing at the time.

It's frustrating at times, being in one place and wanting to be in another (not that where I was this morning wan't the right place to be and a place I wanted to be), and not be able to see a way through to the other place- too many impossible situations, and yet, the potential for the awesome, the possibilities once in those situations is awesome.

There were times in the day when I was wondering where the peace had gone, and yes, it was there when I went looking for Jesus in those moments, and at times had to find the words for good friends who were being awesome friends.

And have just read the coolest quote that is so right for this day...'When we believe God even the impossible becomes oportunity. Fath is an act.' (Todd Bently).

So, will keep walking in faith, sticking real close to Jesus, and trusting Him in the impossible:)


I have been working on a project for my eldest niece's 7th birthday, which has been lots of fun, and very fiddly, but so worth it. She had asked for a canopy, so my sis had bought one, then asked me to decorate it. The brief was pink, baby blue, not too much purple (or her other sister would claim it), but other than that I could go for my life. 

In all the shopping and brainstorming, I found these gorgeous felt hearts, so decided some words were in order. Some are some of what her name means, others are ones I would love to her to grow into, one is borrowed, but they are all words that are of value, and I ones I want to speak over her, pray for her, and help her to grow into in years to come. 

It got me thinking about words we say over people, whoever they are, both intentially and unintentionally.... we can choose life words that build up a person, and support them growing into who they are created to be, and often that needs to be an intentional choosing to choose life... I think of tims when I have tried and failed to do that effectively, and other times, when it's just plain easy to say 'you're awesome', or 'well done'.

At other times, it can be easy to miss an opportunity, or miss the value of what they might be asking, or wanting to hear from you. 

And then there are the times when there isn't intention, and a negative picture is built around the words said. The ones most genuine are the ones that should be least listened to. 

We have the power to speak life giving words over each person who crosses our path, that's a whole lot of power and a whole lot of grace we have to give!:)

Saturday, November 03, 2012


Feeling immense gratitude tonight, for what has been, what was tonight, for what is to come...

Many, many years ago, I actually memorized a psalm- a whole psalm! It's come back in a couple of ways this week, which is always good fun- but I love the picture of it all, especially that it's God who is my chosen portion and cup, He knows. 

Today(well, yesterday now!) was 'the birthday', and yes it was a good one. One of the really cool gifts received though, was the realisation that some of the things I value so highly in my English Family, happen here now... not in the same way, by any means, but with the same spirit and intention. I love that, and love doing life with friends, church, home group, and even my sister and her family, where God's love is at the centre. Feeling most grateful, and very blessed.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Faith, Hope and Love

And so faith, hope, love abide [faith—conviction and belief respecting man’s relation to God and divine things; hope—joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love—true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinathians 13:13 (Amplified)

One of the questions I was asked last night, was along the lines of 'What is a Characteristic of God that stands out to you?' and the one that emerged fairly quickly was Hope. That's often been a theme, whether in HK, or here in different ways. I love that it's such a mystery, yet we can recognise it when we see it. I did an assignment once on hope in Marriage, investigating what Hope was- in a research context, and it was amazing to see how they discovered some of the different elements. 

Love has been a recent attitude changer in the last, well, this year... And Faith... while I kn ow what it is to be faithful, (and loveing and Hopeful for that matter), It's been hard to define, so I am glad that the above verse expands on each word to help us see more of the fullness of it all. 

Pretty awesome!