Monday, November 12, 2012


I was given a project at the beginning of the year... one that should have taken a month, tops. But, as with all projects so it seems, I did the immediate more urgent bit, that showed that something was happening, and then the rest has sat, rather inconceniently in the middle of where I live.... waiting to be finished.

And it has sat. Yesterday though, I was given a deadline, or I could just return it all unfinished. Problem is I really want to, and really di intend to finish it. And so, in a night when I am out every night, I will finish it!

It would be so nice to have a deadline to everything, or to know when a season will end, or when the thing or event you wait for is going to happen, so you can always be ready, always make time to do the things you so want to do now while you can, tell someone that important information, share that Good News. But with all important events, it seems we never really know the time or the place, or the moment, and so we need to make the most of now, because it's not going to last, and we will look back on this time and be grateful for it and appreciate the amazing people in it, and the things we have learned...

And I love that within it all, God's plans aren't our own, they are better, deeper, and beyond what we could ever hope or imagine, especially when he throws in a lovely handful of 'impossible'!!:)

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