Tuesday, February 05, 2013


I have been thinking about milestones a fair bit recently. The January time marked a couple of biggish ones for me- 19 years since big steps happened towards me becomming a Christian, and  moving to London, and 10 years since I moved to Hong Kong. There are lots of other milestones but those are the two stand outs in terms of life changing-ness.

 I remember particularly, coming back from HK, and marking the milestones for about a year after that, as I journeyed the process of life as it is now.

There's milestones to mark the big huge events- normally the weddings, babies and farewells, but there's the ones that mark a journey, where you have come from, and where you're going to, but also the ones that you know are turning points in life. And in terms of coming back from from HK, it was a marking of being 1 mile from that life, 2 miles, 10 miles, and so on. Those are often hard, and just have to be journeyed through. And some just don't make sense alot of the time.

I get reminded of the Israelites, and their journey, and the times they stop, worship God and build a stone monument as a milestone, and act of marking the moment, remembering the turning point, and value the similar reminders around me that point back to God and his promises, of the turning points, faith, and trusting Him for the directions and unfolding journey.

Stand up, hold fast, remember the big picture, and just keep going:)

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