Friday, April 05, 2013

Exercising all those muscles...:)

As i have settled into this year I have been really challenged to do things differently. Some are relatively easy- they are clear and obvious changes that need to be made, or due to changing circumstances have naturally happened. Some are harder, and each decision is a choice to live, to think, to act in a certain way, but as I have exercised the will to live differently, it gets easier. Not all, by any means- some go completely against the grain, especially when it comes to relating to other people. Sometimes it's the 'not doing' that comes the hardest, but can be the most beneficial.

One of the topics talked a lot at one of the conferences was standing firm on God's words and promises in our lives and that of those around us. Often we can end up in situations straight after that can cause us to doubt God's word, and yet it's His word and promises we can stand so firmly on, no matter how crazy awesome or impossible sounding they seem to be. And so with that, there has been a lot of active exercising of my faith muscles in different ways,more trusting, and loving even when I just want to get really, really mad, or letting things go and enjoying more time with God, and finding new freedom in that.

Partnered with that, I may possibly have joined a gym which has given exercise a whole new meaning. I am loving it, loving that it can actually fit into the day, that already I feel stronger and able to do more than I thought I could. Not just some, but all of my muscles are getting the workout they need and are feeling the better for it. There are some areas that are feeling it though. I had an ankle injury when I was about 10 years old, which apparently still has issues... So boy, in all the exercising am I ever feeling that weakness!! But then, as with all weaknesses, it's in the stretching and using that new strength comes.

Which is why we pray, we use the gifts we are given, we give away what we have, because its in that we are all blessed, have the opportunity to see how much God has for us, and for others through us. So often we just have no idea what we are capable of doing, and it's in exercising what we have 'now' that we can look back and see just what amazing things God has done in and through us...

Jeremiah 31:3 Came to mind at the Good Friday service last week. At a stop in the various stations we were moving around as we remembered this day, we came to a series of tables, like a restaurant. We were invited to sit down, like we were sitting down for a lovely meal with Jesus, and invited to think of what the conversation might be like. Immediately the phrase 'see, I have loved you with an everlasting love....' Came strongly to mind. And in taking communion as we were sitting there, we had the tangible reminder of how everlasting that love is.

And in reading through Jeremiah 31 later, both experiences come to mind.

Jeremiah 31:2-3 (especially, but not exclusively!)
Thus says the LORD:
"The people who survived the sword
Found grace in the wilderness;
When Israel sought rest,

The LORD appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Keep on keeping on:)

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