Thursday, August 29, 2013

Embracing change

I was loading the dishwasher tonight, and suddenly thought about how much I can't wait till things settle down, and generally looking forward to things being normal again... But for better or worse, it won't be going back to normal any time soon. This is the new normal. Babies have been born, houses moved, friends have come and gone, jobs have changed, ministries in a church context have changed. There is no going back, but going forward, not that I don't want to keep going forward- the last year has been extraordinary, and I wouldn't change it for the world, nor would I change any of what God has in mind for the future, but there are days when I would love to stop and just 'be' with my people, those I love and value most. They are still around, yet not in the same way. Some so much better, some, not so much...different.

God is always growing something to fill the empty places up. (Ann Voskamp)

This has proved so true this year. In the gaps that suddenly yawned, while they were noticed greatly, God has been filling them with Good things, people, relationships, often things unseen, but very, very real, and not something I could make, or force into being, just 'be' with wherever God has had planned for me.

So while things will keep changing, I will keep anticipating the growing, and all God has planned.

It was good, is good, and will be so very good!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love- Mother Teresa
Keep your love on- Danny Silk
Love Does- Bob Goff
These three phrases (and two of them, book titles), have sat with me a lot this year(And I mean a lot!!), and every time I have gone to do something, or have had a choice in responding to a situation have been reminders so often. The first, to love beyond any hurt has baffled me to the extreme, and challenged me more than possible. Every time I have been faced with a choice of responding to a situation, the challenge has been there to ‘keep my love on’, to respond from a place of love rather than hurt, or, more commonly, fear. It’s not easy, and there’s often not much to show for it in the present, but I guess, as with so many things, it’s exercising love, like a muscle. Choosing to love, no matter what. No. Matter. What.
It often hurts. And a lot, it’s often hard, confusing, doesn’t make any sense. But it often, if I hold out, is amazing what comes as a result. Not always, but mostly, it’s so worth it. There are some situations where I am reminded that I can choose only my own actions and responses, and no one else’s, and that’s ok.
Twitter never fails to offer good food for thought with so many short comments and I have been collecting some favorites, but there are so many, and are joyful and challenging as I try and find a way to love beyond my own ability.
God made love for His purposes, not ours, we’re rivers, not reservoirs. (Bob Goff)
Love NEVER FAILS! NEVER… not ever! Not even once… hold on, help us on the way (Kris Valloton)
Every act of extravagant love answeres the only question everyone really has about your faith (Bob Goff)
When you know that you are unconditionally loved by God, you are free to be yourself- to be open and vulnerable (Nicky Gumbel)
Love is foolish enough to believe the impossible will just keep happening. BE that foolish at least twice a day. (Bob Goff)
When we look back after many small steps of love, we will discover that we have made a long and beautiful journey. (Henri Nouwen)
Some people will always be skeptical of extravagant love. Give them something to talk about. (Bob Goff)
Extravagant acts of love don’t need return addresses. Bright lights don’t need spotlights. (Bob Goff)
The sign that you are in a relationship with Jesus is that you love people- period. (Danny Silk)
We try to organize our days, God tries to shape our hearts. (Bob Goff)
Plans work or they don’t; loves’ always a sure thing. Plan to help and it might work; plan to love and it always works. (Bob Goff)
Love breaks our fall, grace carries us home (Bob Goff)
Our only business is to love and delight ourselves in God (Brother Lawrence)
When a powerful person says “I love you” there’s nothing that can stop them. Their love is NOT dependent on being loved in return. (Danny Silk)
 I want to take each of these favourites and write a blog post on each one, but for now, I will share these. I have continued to add to this list, and will continue to do so, am sure, but these need sharing, and are certainly shaping my year hugely.

Love wins in the end but in the meanwhile, it fights for and pursues the things that matter. Love isn’t sentimental, it’s fierce. It endures.

Friday, August 09, 2013


I had no intention of doing anything with these, but have been in a conference over the last two days, and while I wasn't expecting too much, still went prepared, just in case, and wasn't disappointed. One talk in particular lit up a whole lot of things in a whole new, and awesome way. God is good!

Which brings me to this. I had no plans to post these,but know I should. Here anyway. It's part of creating headspace.

First up. Sunday afternoon,sitting in a park.
My heart, His promise.

Wednesday night, Katoomba
Held by an unseen hand

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Head space

I have a whole 16 hours of space, free time (sleep included;) before I have to go to a conference. Still have jobs to do, but wow. Space. Not just any old space, but head space.

The last while has been full, of so many things, and all good, but has left no head space. I was walking up to the shops this morning- coffee, croissant, final (I hope!) supplies for the conference, and generally take in weekday Katoomba, and felt like the fog was lifting, suddenly there was more to see, more space to take it in and savour it, and to see a bit beyond what is taking up so much space right now. I can breath again.

A few weeks ago I heard a talk on self care, and it was helpful to think about what feeds my soul, whether I have a lot or a little time, or opportunity to spend time with friends.

I am glad that after this weekend things should calm down a bit, though it won't look like it for a bit yet, but it's coming:)

So, time to start planning in some space, or soul restoring things into that space. And keep some head space clear for dreaming, savouring, playing;)