Thursday, August 29, 2013

Embracing change

I was loading the dishwasher tonight, and suddenly thought about how much I can't wait till things settle down, and generally looking forward to things being normal again... But for better or worse, it won't be going back to normal any time soon. This is the new normal. Babies have been born, houses moved, friends have come and gone, jobs have changed, ministries in a church context have changed. There is no going back, but going forward, not that I don't want to keep going forward- the last year has been extraordinary, and I wouldn't change it for the world, nor would I change any of what God has in mind for the future, but there are days when I would love to stop and just 'be' with my people, those I love and value most. They are still around, yet not in the same way. Some so much better, some, not so much...different.

God is always growing something to fill the empty places up. (Ann Voskamp)

This has proved so true this year. In the gaps that suddenly yawned, while they were noticed greatly, God has been filling them with Good things, people, relationships, often things unseen, but very, very real, and not something I could make, or force into being, just 'be' with wherever God has had planned for me.

So while things will keep changing, I will keep anticipating the growing, and all God has planned.

It was good, is good, and will be so very good!!

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