Thursday, November 28, 2013


Two Christmas cakes, 1 large salad, two slices, 2 dinners for 3, and a thanksgiving pie.
All cooked in the space of about 5 days:)

The last few months has be layered, textured, full of people, events, emotions, conversations, text messages and emails. Too many of the conversations have been via email, or text. From a distance. And I desperately miss a good old fashioned, face to face conversation. Technology is great, don't get me wrong! Especially when there are so many other things going on, but I am so aware that conversations are different. You can't always read tone and intention, and I know for me, I can often say things that are either wildly foolish, or courageous on email, that I doubt I would say in person. I long for the next time I can sit down to a meal with the people I love doing life with. 

There is something that is amazing about sitting down around to a table. Jesus ate with so many people. It leveled the playing field, brought unity, conversation, understanding, dialogue. I have loved where I live, and having the opportunity to have people over for a meal, more than I have been able to in recent times. It doesn't happen as often as I would still like, but it's happening. It speaks to me of laying down differences, and celebrating what is, of history, relationship, the reasons for being friends in the first place. It can be for occasions, or not, and there is something about bringing yourself to the table, whether you're bringing food to share or not, and leaving the world at the front door. There are times too, for me, when it is particularly and especially important to have my favorite people together, that they make that space a priority to be together, because our time is often our most precious commodity, and when we carve out that space for each other, that's a precious thing. Can't always happen, but wow, it speaks so powerfully to me when it's possible.

 I am reading a new author now,and a lot of what she writes is set around the table, with amazing meals. Not amazing for the cooking necessarily(though, I am loving cooking some of her recipes that she's included), but the people, events, circumstances they all find themselves in at that time, and the ability to be real and honest, vulnerable about where they are at, and caught by each other's support and care. I love that. And the space they create, and often carve out against their overcrowded diaries, families, and often distance. I wonder how to take so many of the things I read about, and infuse them into life here, in such a way that they catch hold and multiply. I wonder about love, and the various ways love is given, received, shown and expressed, and the power and value of saying what we think freely, of meaning it, of being safe to say it, even if saying it comes by way of saying you're sad because something you have valued for so long hasn't been there for the longest time. As Christians too, God is our all in all, and yet we are made for relationship, and to do life together. God's love is active and powerful, and is a giving and receiving, an invitation to relationship. We have the privilege and challenge of living that with each other, of seeing who God created each of us to be, and calling out the gold each of us carries. And often it's those who know us the best who can do that best if we treasure it enough in each other.

Today, in the USA at least, it's thanksgiving. It's one of the holidays I truly love, and we don't really have it here in Australia, and well, it's a little tricky to make roast a turkey on a work day, sadly. But we should celebrate thanksgiving somehow! I am loving seeing social media (those emails, texts, instagrams,face books, and twitters!!!;)) showing the beauty of the celebration, the food, decorations, people, family as they gather together to give thanks for all God has done. 

We have much to give thanks for, from all God has given us, and in all that is in the people and circumstances around us.

Happy thanksgiving!

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