Sunday, October 06, 2013

I will wait to see the Goodness of The Lord

How long does one wait, hope, expect....?

In some ways I want to say 'hurry up'! All those things that seem to be coming, or I would like to have happen, to see them happen NOW. And have it all rushed through... but.

I realised that I am happier to wait in God's timing , at his pace and in his presence. I am loving the waiting, the anticipation, the knowing that Good things are God's time. It's not that I don't want them to not ever happen, and yes, there's always going to be a sense of 'Hurry Up God!!!', but there is an amazing peace that comes from knowing God has everything sorted. He knows, sees, understands and is working things out. He knows things so much better than I, knows the people and circumstances, and all that's to come and I want nothing more than to see Him bring things about. Not. Me.

My life feels so rushed right now, and yes, I am talking steps once again to put down things I probably shouldn't be carrying, and maybe I would rather _expect_ to see God's goodness, because it is in the expectancy that I _see_ it, even if I'm not 'there' yet, or have the 'thing', relationship or whatever it is that I feel God has planned for me...

A favorite verse this week has included the words 'make haste' and I love the difference in tone it carries compared to 'hurry up!', and the comparative impatience it has. Make haste speaks more of travelling in God's timing and presence, and I love that. It carries peace.

There are so many things I am feeling so very grateful at the moment- so often to the point of tears in wonder at the goodness of all God has done and is doing, of the amazing things that are in this time and space. God is so Good:)

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living!!
Psalm 27:13

And yes, I have had leaky eyes for the strangest things lately:)

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