Friday, July 29, 2011

Trusting the process

So often I forget that some things can't be rushed. You can't always jump start something, and you don't know what's just around the corner. Sometimes what looks bad now turns out to be pretty great somewhere down the track.

I often forget that I don't have the whole picture, that I don't know what's going on with other people, what God has in mind, or what's just around the corner, so there becomes a fine balance between wanting to see something happen, and trust the bigger picture, that in the process all will be well. We can't take short cuts.

We can pray though. We can give it to God, invite him into our journey, knowing that his perspective is always going to be the best, taking into consideration everything we have missed. We can be faithful, honourable, and sometimes, just suck it up and do what needs to be done, trusting God with the final outcome.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dancing with my niece

Yesterday. I took the day off to look after my nieces. Not a day off per se, but there you go. In all, it was a really long, 13 1/2 hour day with them, but such a good day. The bits I remember though?? The missed opportunities. When I was more stern than I might have been, didn't stop and sit, lost sight of the important bits in exchange for other less vital things. Albeit, we had all decided on gingerbread men, but I could have made 'just enough' and not insisted on using all the dough all at once. I could have stopped and danced for much longer than I did. Enjoyed the tea party, played uno even though it was way after bed time.

They are all so incredibly gorgeous in their own incredibly unique way. And there were some wonderfully special moments... like 2nd breakfast of cino's and croissants before going to creche at church with all their special friends. Watching the 2yo with the trike hefting it on the bridge and sending it down the dip, racing around with her big sister, watching the 3yo pull the 2yo along on the trolley. Dancing, bath time, yummy dinner- where they ate it ALL!

I wish there was a reality check alarm at moment's when we are making choices. To choose what isn't only good (like fun gingerbread!), but what will last... like quality time all together, fun adventures, special moments. Quality time. Looking back, it's soooo easy for the day to disappear in a whirl of jobs that need to be done, going onto the next thing, bed, bath and dinner...and getting lost. Missing the beautiful opportunities to make the day fun, restful, peaceful and happy for all. To enjoy and rest in the process of the journey, rather than trying to do whatever is needed to get to the final destination. It doesn't always happen, but I am noticing it alot right now. Lesson learned. Again.