Sunday, June 21, 2009

Book blog

A good friend has started a blog, posting book reviews! A number of people have been invited to join in, including myself, so feel free to visit some time. I posted on Persuasion, a book I read, as I had heard that a group of friends in HK had read it recently. I love Jane Austen, but hadn't read that before, and really enjoyed it!

When I was asked to blog though, I was a bit stuck because, aside from doing lots of uni work at the time, I was also in various stages of reading 3 different books! Anyway, Persuasion was finished first, and I am now onto another one completely- but will get back to the originals. The one I had origionally planned to blog on, was by one of my favorite authors, Henri Nouwen, a lovely author, Catholic, and Canadian. He has written a book called Clowning in Rome that I have been slowly reading (it's 4 talks in a book), so will hopefully blog on that one soon!

There are quite a few awesome books and people in the world!!!!

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