Saturday, March 31, 2012


Coming home from work yesterday, I realised, it hasn't been the easiest few months. The challenges of adjusting to a new job, people, mindsets, a Christian organisation, but no Christians aside from myself as far as I can see and of trying to maintain life outside of work. The joy of waiting for answers to questions, non-answers, and straight out no's has been a challenge.

It has been gorgeous to have a complete rest day today, a day with lots of talks, worship, dogs for company, and lots of baking. I was looking at some of the things I cooked today, and realised that they turned out well. Having had space, time, no need to rush, the things I have cooked have come out of a place of rest. I remember the last time I cooked for someone, I was stressed, because the food is often critiqued, which for me, writes of the the whole meal, even though it's not intended, and because I know it will be critiqued, I know I more stressed, have less time, and well, it just doesn't work as well. And it makes me sad, as know the critique-ing is well intentioned, it just doesn't inspire me to cook, let alone cook better.

It really makes me question what else needs to come out of that place of rest and how I can get more of that rest in my life!:)

1 comment:

Andrew and KJ said...

Hey Miwa,

Where are you working now? And yes, I think you should keep up your own blogging ;)