Saturday, November 22, 2014

Creation and creating

I am currently sitting in an art gallery in NYC, surrounded by familiar paintings. Not just one or two, and not copies either. Originals. Many. By artists and creators who lived some, or hundreds of years ago. Isn't it extraordinary?! There are so many that you can't help but walk on by and generally taking them in as you go, but there are others that you know, so you stop by, and still others that surprise you and stop you in your tracks. The wonder of a view, or perspective of a scene, person, moment in the life of someone or a family, whether on a grandly extravagant scale, or an intimate moment.

What causes us to create or want to create, using whatever format we choose. Whether music, art, design, write, or any medium we choose. What causes us to choose to create when there is so much already out there in the world? Some of it will, I grant you, reach a wider population, whereas others won't go beyond the person doing the creating. But what an extraordinary thing. Like each person, what we create will come from our own perspective and life experience. Some may be similar, but isn't it amazing that we have been designed to create. Our creator is the ultimate in creative, and as we are made in his image, we are invited into the creative process, in whatever means speaks best to us.

Another blog I read at the moment talks about the process of writing. She speaks that desire to write and encourages us all to stay beyond the desire to write/create into the action. No more excuses or what- ifs. Just go for it. There are always going to be people better, smarter, more articulate than us, but no one who has our own particular perspective and blend of skill or talent. We will need to work on it, and keep going, but that doesn't mean we don't start at all, because then the answer will always be no. And that is a loss to all of us, in the seen or unseen. We all lose something when we don't share what we have inside. And we all have something special and valuable to share.

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