Friday, May 09, 2008

I have been thinking more about what I wrote in my last post, and think I may have misrepresented the topic a little. Well, I cirtainly didn't go into how much I don't like seeing the end results, or seeing people being recognised for the part they play in a project/person's life/event either directly, or indirectly. I didn't go into the fact that the building that I saw, were indeed built over decades, and some even over a hundred years, so of course, the people involved didn't expect to see them finished (though I wonder how they dealt with changing technology, and fashions- but then, yes, things did move slower than they do now!)

Anyway, overall, it was wonderful to look at those buildings and see the perspective that the people involved would have had. They were building in faith, knowing they were part of something much bigger than themselves. I am sure they would have loved to see the end result, as I really would, but they knew they wouldn't, but it didn't stop them from sowing into the lives of the generations to come in such an amazing way. Ahh, to have the grace and patience to see things through in such a way:)

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