Monday, March 23, 2009

Ethical superstore and inhumane slums...One World

So, I discovered just how behind the times we are in Australia compared to other countries- though, yes, other countries leave an awful lot to be desired, but more about that later.

I was doing some research on fair trade organizations today, and looking at different ranges of products that are available, and came across a website in the UK- the Ethical SUPERSTORE! Can you believe it! And the range of things on the site is amazing!!

I have, however, found a website too for “Green” beer in Australia, where they give back 100% offset, which is apparently the latest thing, and a good thing at that.

On the other hand, I was talking to someone in the Philippines the other day about environmental issues, and their attitudes there. For them, survival is more the key, so things like where you put your rubbish really doesn’t feature in their priority list. Environmental awareness is becoming more popular amongst the wealthier parts though. For the regular person though, it’s normal to drop your rubbish wherever you put it, because they have never been taught any differently, fuel isn’t as refined as in other countries, so the fumes, and smoke are more dense, the struggle to survive is more important, people live on rubbish dumps, slums are common, and food is hard to come by.

As attitudes and awareness continue to change around the world, I look forward to seeing what comes of it all, as we all work out what part we have to play. Hopefully, as in soooooo many areas of need, our eyes will continue to be opened to how we can each help from where we are at.

1 comment:

pip said...

Thanks for this post!