Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Heart for...

I am writing a couple of ‘blurbs’ at the moment explained my heart for them…. Thinking about that saying seems like a rather random one. What’s my heart for being in crèche, or organizing events, or any of the other fun, random things I get to be involved with, whether it’s individual people who I get to be friends with, or helping with different groups? And what do I want to invest, and what have I got and been given to invest?? It has to all come from the heart though, because otherwise where does the motivation for doing any of these things come from anyway. If they come from motives other than the heart, doing something for free, giving your time or energy, I guess it’s not going to come from a place that’s as good, because it if comes ‘from the heart’, then hopefully it will be the passing on of something we have been given, something we can do, that in being shared, will grow and multiply, rather than holding onto it closely. It’s more fun to be part of something bigger than oneself, whether it is done for one person, or many, whether it will be a mutual sharing, or given with no expectation or opportunity of return.

And so I am having fun rediscovering ‘my heart’ for why I do what I do, and in the writing down, it’s bringing new clarity , inspiration and heaps more direction which is pretty helpful. And as I have been given, and recognize, receive the gifts, feel the good, solid, sure weight of the gifts, so too can pass them on, and trust that they will be ‘paid forward’:)

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