Saturday, December 07, 2013

Faith, expectation and gift giving

I bought a gift for a baby last night. It's perfect. I know one of the parents, but..... They are single. As far as I know, there isn't Someone Special, but when they do meet, date, marry and get to the point of having children, this baby's outfit will be perfect for their first bub. 

I have done this once before, but in that case the couple were married and trying for children by then, so it was pretty special to see their little one wearing said outfit. So... The outfit tonight may be a bit premature,but I am looking forward to passing it on in good time. And I am looking forward to the answered prayers and how God shows His lavish love in a whole new and awesome way.

Last weekend someone posted a photo on Instagram of a wedding they were at in New Orleans. I didn't think too much of it, until more and more people were posting pics. Turns out that the person I initially 'met' via blog, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook was getting married, and all the people I have come to know through his work were all there and celebrating the fantastic day with him. Nothing too personal about that, really. But it was a really cool surprise answer to prayer! You see, I have been reading his blog, twitter and books for a few years now, and through the helpful (or probably unhelpful benefit of social media!) I knew he had arrived at a broken engagement. From all I had come to know, I could imagine it was incredibly painful, at best. So, it was fantastic to see photos of his wedding popping up as people all around celebrated with them.

This year has very much been themed around love does. Of love in action, loving with what I have to give. That has looked different in different situations, but one of them has been the praying bit. Love involves relationship, and I have been struck often by the disconnect between the awesome people I know, who are single. It doesn't make sense to me that God has created us for relationship, and there are so many awesome people who love Jesus and yet don't necessarily have the same opportunity as a married person to have children, and pass on their love for and relationship with Jesus in quite the same way. And yes, all the cool things that marriage involves. Not saying one is better than the other, just that we are made for relationship and God seems to have a thing for relationship, family, and go the generations. And I am fairly sure all the people I am thinking of want to be married and/or parents, and would be amazing at both. Am sure this taps into a whole of other theological discussion, but that's for another time and place.

So, it has been a rewarding, though often interrupted and challenged journey of starting a list of people to pray for, whether to meet, or marry, or for those wanting children, or getting to know Jesus as their own Lord and Saviour. The list often disappears off my phone... So it can be particularly purposeful to remember, to check, and keep the list up to date, to add to the list. The best thing though this year, has been to see answers to prayer, to see people meet someone, or any step along the marriage/ children journey. It's not complete yet and the list continues to grow and change which is fun, but am enjoying seeing God at work in different ways. Hoping this will be a lifelong list that keeps growing, changing and is an awesome testimony of God's awesome goodness. Hm. Am going to a wedding today that wasn't on the cards a year ago!! Bring it on!!:)

And I am so looking forward to meeting this baby and seeing him/her wearing this awesome outfit!

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