Sunday, September 14, 2008

God's beauty

I am reading a book at the moment that spending lots of time talking about God's beauty, and how it's expressed, and how we, as people, can see it. I went to a church service last night, where the passage spoken on, was Ephesians 1:1-10, which is a passage so full of God's beauty, it astounds me!

The book I am reading talks a bit about the beauty in women, which got me thinking about some of the amazingly beautiful women I know. While they are beautiful in different ways on the outside, it's their inner beauty that really makes them shine, and thoroughly enhances their outer beauty! I am rather blessed to know, and be friends (or sister to) with them!

It goes beyond that though too, to God's family and the beauty there! I went to another church this morning, and was struck, yet again by the beauty the radiates out of the family of people who are there!!

So, will keep a continued look out for God's beauty, in people, places and events! He's an awesome God:)

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