Friday, February 09, 2007

Quantifying a life

Coming back to Sydney, while good, always makes me think about my life, how would I sum up the last year, what have I done that is of note, or worth and value.

Have I been happy and successful, and if so, what has made it that way, and what is it that is of worth to me? How has God impacted me, and what is His new direction for me now? Where does He fit in, and in those happy, successful plans I may have or dream of, or others have... for their life and for mine.

All these things I stop and wonder at. I am challenged by those here I see around me, and those back in HK. Am I happy and successful, and if so, what is it that measures it?

At the end of the day, I know I want to live to bring God glory, but I want to do that day by day too, no matter what, right? Thoughts please?

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