Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yes or no, or...

I am often struck by my inability to say no in different situations, of wanting to say yes, be available, all that kinda stuff. Some of these I should, and some, I shouldn't.

The only thing is though, that I can't say yes to everything. I can't say yes to all I want to, or should do, or need to... it's not that I want to become a person who says no to everything, every one, and every request, but I just can't say yes to it all!

How does one choose, and choose wisely, in an age where it is expected people go from busy to busier, and it's that busyness that brings the self worth.. I know that's not where we, or I should get my self worth from?? No answers here, but something to ponder:)


Nic said...
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Nic said...
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Nic said...

I was going to reply, but it was going to be too long, so wrote a
blog post about it.

oh, loved chatting yesterday! Ended up speaking to Court for about 45 mins via video skype too, which was way cool and very weird! :)

Laura T said...

I have trouble saying no as well, but I guess I reason that there is only a certain amount of me, and if I spread to thin I'll do everything badly and be no good to no one. But the wisdom to know when to say yes and no is so hard to find. But we are part of a body, not the whole body.

Miwa in HK said...

The thing I keep coming back to, is that if i did say no to the logical rational things I SHOULD say no to, often I am the one who misses out! Often they are the moments of fun, of joy that have nice surprises in them:) I guess there are times when I just need to know I am saying yes, because it really is the right thing, not for any other reason... And ultimately, every time I get to the conclusion about thinking this through, I continue to reach a point where I still want to be a 'yes' person rather than a 'no' person..:) so will keep working it out day by day:)

Laura T said...

Sometimes I feel that we can't say no to stuff we don't want to do because that guarantees my motives aren't selfish. But joy and fun and rest are all good and worthy, and burnout, grumpiness, and stress are not. We need a balance. I'm not good at finding this balance either.