Thursday, November 08, 2007

Different tastes....

I have been struck recently by just how different our tastes are. Tastes in food would be a major one! Where one person's loves one thing.. another person might loathe it, or be obsessed with it, or can't go a day without it, or can't stand the smell of it. For some, there are flavours that are their absolute favorite, that are evocative of a certain time, place, or people, that are more than the flavour itself. Or, it's just a flavour and it's great:)!

For others, they might like that same taste, but could take it or leave it. Others again have an entirely different taste that is their absolute favorite (take, for example, Chocolate- it's a fave of many!, or cheese, or something...).

This extends to preferences and choices in general, and how we make them. Some, are defined and clear to different extents, whereas, we can take or leave other things. They don't really fuss us, one way or another.

Then, back to food, you have kids who won't try different foods, saying they don't like it.. but they haven't tasted it, so they don't even know! Taste is a proactive thing... we have to go out of our way, take a step and see what happens...

And then when it comes to being a Christian...for some... they look at it and turn up their nose, but for others.... it's Psalm 38 that says it best: "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." How awesome that in taking that step, we can learn something new! About God, and about ourselves, and in taking that step, see once again, how good our God is!

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