Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Visitor

My bro-in-law brought home a film to watch tonight, which turned out to be a really good one! Called 'The Visitor', it's set in America, with an American lecturer, whose speciality is teaching, and writing about Global Economics, in developing Nations. He is suddenly drawn into the life of some illegal immigrants, and given a very real and different perspective of life, and all he is studying.

It was really well done, and great to watch, especially as I am working full time with an organisation that, as part of it's aim, is working with groups around the world to sell fair trade goods in Australia! Very exciting!It is such a privilege to be doing that kind of work even from here, and makes me so proud, once again of the team in HK.

So, if you get a chance, check out the film- oh, and the African drums and music... awesome!!:)

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