Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What do you see when you see 'me'?

What do you see when you see 'me'...

Do you see a person, someone full of talent and zest? Do you see my secret longings, and desires, the hidden secrets..

Do you see me as I was created? As God designed and purposed me? Do you see me as one that God loves, who has plans and purposes? Someone who is carefully and lovingly created, placed in exactly the right place at the right time…

Do you see all the things I have done wrong, and have been accused of, my faults and imperfections, or do you see how far I have come, all I have learned, and

Do you see straight through me, a stranger in the street, or someone who gives you a faintly uncomfortable feeling. Do you see me as one who makes you uncomfortable in your comfortable safe zone…. do you see need, and desperation as I seek to survive. Do you see hopelessness and a whole lot of need and responsibility if you look too close.

Do you see danger, if you get involved, and strike up a conversation.. do you see fear and insecurity rubbing off, a contagious social virus, that if you get to close, you will catch it, or can the love, care and friendship offered be more contagious, life giving, and freedom enabling… bringing light, and life….and wholeness

Do you see the potential for hurt, that if you get involved, you will be damaged, that by sharing who you are, you will be stolen, taken for a ride, that something will be lost…

Do you see the old, wrinkled, and arthritic exterior, or the warm, lively young person inside who once was...

Do you see the possibility of life, of hope, an enriched existence, that as you see me, and get to know who I am, you will be enriched, and grow and be a better person as a result?
Do you see me as unique and valuable, special and beautiful, or handsome? Do you see me as someone worth giving time and effort, love, and resources? Do you see me, or do you see the cover, the wrapping, the exterior….

Do you see me as someone worth getting to know, as a friend, colleague, girlfriend or boyfriend, or eye candy, or someone to check out from afar…or someone to mess around with no strings attached…

Do you see the possibilities and potential, all that was, and is and is to come…?

What do you see when you see me……?

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