Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beautiful writing recently.

I haven’t been blogging much recently, but I have been doing a lot of reading. Lots! Anyway, I keep coming across gems of writing, so, while they won’t fit into the assignments I am writing, I thought I would share them here. Enjoy!!

Sometimes the suffering
Has no voice, it is silent.
It is a question of survival,
And the poor have no choice.

By Sister Naoko Iyari, MMB
In God’s Image 1990

Counseling is the process of helping clients get “unstuck” and develop a sense of direction. G Egan.

The ethical life arises as the life of liberty in service to God through Chris by the power of the Spirit. The Christian life is also the celebration of life, for as we live in the Spirit we celebrate the life of the triune God. Offering ourselves as a thanksgiving for God’s love and mercy lavished on us in Christ is the pathway to true joy and fullness of life.

This returns us to the human ethical quest where we began. I noted in chapter one that well-being and peace of mind have repeatedly formed the object of philosophers deliberations. The biblical writers declare that within the community of Christ we gain an even greater peace than the great ethical thinkers sought. Our Lord mediated to us peace with God (Rom 5:1), a peace “Which transcends all understanding”(Phil 4:7). This greater peace is not ours because we have sough after it, but because the Holy Spirit showers it upon us as a byproduct of our ethical quest, the quest for God’s kingdom and righteousness. Knowing such peace is the cause for great celebration. And it is in this context of celebration that we discover the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise for “all these things” are truly given to us as well (Mt 6:33).

The Moral Quest, by S Grenz

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