Thursday, May 07, 2009

Process vs product in life choices

I was sitting at a market waiting for a friend last Saturday morning, and was a few minutes early, so sat down to read my book. However, a man came down and sat next to me and started up a conversation. Anyway, he had just moved to Sydney from Perth, and was doing contract work. In the course of conversation he told me about his life now as well as telling me about what he would like in life in the future.

It really got me thinking about plans and how we get there, keeping the now, and the future in delicate balance.....and not letting now be all there is, because there is the danger of still being in the now in ten years time, with all the hopes, dreams and plans still somewhere in the future... it made me think about the decisions I have made through my life, and where I am going.....

In the light of this conversation and thinking about this guy, I had another conversation with someone else about personal mission statements! I was struck and challenged by the thought of writing one(I am trying to work out what our work one is right now too!!) and what changes I might potentially have to make as a result. While so many things are good, and right, we can't do everything that looks good. How do we choose, and how do we know what God's plans are for us in life.... interesting random themes and conversations to think through. Hard too, when decisions made potentially have an effect on more than just us. I can't do everything, and be everything to everyone, so how do I choose....??

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