Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blessed be your name!

I love the song 'Blessed be your name' and how wonderfully it speaks of the way God gives us gifts, and while God has different purposes in the gifts, life is a gift, as is all that's within it. It's all about perspective!!

I was reminded of that song again today and of how God gives and takes away, and we can choose our attitude within the gift giving, and receiving. I have been so blessed with such alot of things this year, and so aware that there are alot of things within that that I couldn't take for granted. I have so loved the lessons learned, places, people, times spent, and knowing that through it all, it had a time limit, whatever that might be...

Next year will be fun! A few things have happened this week, and one in particular, that means that everything else will too, and while it's sad, it's exciting too! I started praying about a month for a door to open, and who knows:) Maybe it's starting!

Hopefully through it all, no matter what, I will continue to trust God in all things, and events,and as the song goes, my heart will choose to say, blessed be Your name!

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