Friday, January 11, 2013

Some days

So there are days.

Standing in Myers surrounded by bags with my sister, both in tears for lost babies...

And trying hard to hold tight. And it's getting harder and more painful, and when the impossible is at its most, it gets more so and having tripped over already it's not an option again, because tripping was worse that persevering. So today is 'take your breath away' hard in a well that seems beyond reason, depth or escape. And once again, the harder you try to hold fast, the quicker things slip away, and the only option once again is to go back again and again to the Creater. And again and again and again.

And returning to promises and redemption, hope and God's Word, all things will work together for His Good and His Glory, and this too will pass.

And tomorrow will be a new day, in a few weeks, a friend's wedding, in month's friends baby's will arrive, and God's goodness shown all over again in His timing and grace:)

1 comment:

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