Monday, May 07, 2007

On being beloved (who? Everyone!)

I am reading a book at the moment by Henri Nouwen, called “Life of the Beloved”

It’s awesome! And touches on some things I have read in a previous book I have read by him, on being beloved. It talks through some of the aspects of why we are Christians, from the stand point of being beloved. We are God’s beloved! Each one of us! Knowing, believing, living this has implications on our lives and the lives of those, known or unknown, how we treat them, and ourselves each day. Have you ever tried living as though you were the beloved of someone?

Here’s a few random bits from his book I thought I would share. Enjoy!:)

Yes, there is that voice, the voice that speaks from above and from within and that whispers softly or declares loudly: “You are my beloved, on you my favour rests.” It certainly is not easy to hear that voice in a world filled with voices that shout: “you are no good, you are ugly; you are worthless; you are despicable, you are nobody- unless you can demonstrate the opposite.”

When I know that I am chose, I know that I have been seen as a special person. Someone has noticed me in my uniqueness and as expressed a desire to know me, to come closer to me, to love me. When I write to you that, as the Beloved, we are God’s chosen ones, I mean that we have been seen by God from all eternity and seen as unique, special, precious beings.

When love chooses, it chooses with a perfect sensitivity for the unique beauty of the chosen one, and it chooses without making anyone else feel excluded.

1 comment:

pip said...

Good stuff. It doesn't surprise me at all that Henri Nouwen is a favourite of yours!