Saturday, May 19, 2007

On Patience…:)

God of Patience and endurance,

Steadfast as the steadfast stars

Stands Thy promise, Thine assurance

Unto Thine ambassadors:

“I, thy God, will strengthen thee…

Where I am, there thou shalt be.”

Lord, we would endure; O sift us

Clear of weakness; make us strong.

Lord, we would endure; O lift us

Into joy and conquering song.

Cause us in thy peace to dwell,

Seeing the Invisible.

Let us welcome all life’s weather,

Whatsoever it may be;

And, or singly, or together,

Find our heart’s delight in Thee,

Our redeemer, our Adored,

Lover and beloved Lord.

By Amy Charmichael


mazewu said...


Just re-found your blog today, and it reminded me how much I value your friendship and how much I miss hanging out with you.
So sending some love and a big hug to you.
maz. :)

Miwa in HK said...

Ahh Maz, you are so lovely! need to catch up sometime soon:)