Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Go left, right, straight, forward....

Today was one of those days where I was confronted, yet again of the sheer impossibility of finding that happy medium between doing everything that seems to fall in your lap, and setting good and wise boundaries!!

Both are such good lessons to learn....there are times when it just has to happen- something needs to be done and it falls to you to get on and do it. There are other times when you can be specific and set boundaries, say no, be specific in how you treat others and expect to be treated. It isn't easy though, on any day of the week, especially when an argument could be made that both ways are the Godly and right way to do things.

Though... there are days when it feels like you are bending yourself into a pretzel to get things done right! I want to treat others as God would have me treat them, I want to serve them and care for them and be His light to others. I want to walk alongside and support others in all they are doing... but at what time is a moment reached where you also find that balance where you are treated the same way you would like to be treated, you are listened to in the say way as you keenly seek to listen to and affirm others?

Oh to find that invisible line and seek to live and walk it daily, for our own sakes and the sakes of those around us!

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