Saturday, August 02, 2008

Friends and 'Friends'

I have been thinking a bit about some of the friends I have, and how contexts and circumstances bring different things to light. With the revolution of Facebook and facebook friends, I have been really struck again by Facebook friends I have, vs actual friends(beit on facebook, or in person!). Sometimes I feel like I observe people's lives from the outside, and know about them, and what they are up to, but when I see them in person... I suddently think... are we friends, or just virtual friends? Do I know them enough to go up and say hi... or.... not??

I was reading one of my textbooks for college about the biblical basis for counselling, and we were reminded that... it is important, too, to recognize that knowing ABOUT God is not the same as KNOWING God...! It's an interesting comparison to make, and in the case of God, a personal relationship can't be fakes, assumed, or glossed over. We each need to know him ourselves!

We all need to be in relationship with each other, not in our own little virtual zone of the world, but sometimes it can become a false sense of security against the potential fears of getting out there, and knowing others, and being known.. much more fun than the virtual replica:)

1 comment:

pip said...

Good post!
I've enjoyed catching up on some of your recent news here... thanks!