Sunday, August 24, 2008

How does one say...

How do I say…

- You are loved- in the right way that is heard
- You are missed- that you hear I value your friendship in my life
- I want to help- in a way that is truly helpful
- I am here if you need me- no matter how near or far away that may be
- You are special to me- that I want to learn and understand how best to be a friend to you
- You can trust me- to be here, no matter what
- You are safe- there is nothing to judge and find wanting.
- There is no pressure to be anyone but who you are- that’s the person I care about, who’s friendship I value so highly, the whole person.

1 comment:

Miwa in HK said...

Let me know where your thinking takes you- would be very interested to hear! loadsa love!