Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Being Judged

I have been thinking about a particular situation today, and haven't been able to place a finger on where I stand with it, but finally think I realized what it was that bugs me about it.

I don't like being judged, or being presumed upon. I don't like it when people put things together and reach a conclusion about me.... and it's wrong. I don't like being judged on my actions when the actions weren't expected, and may not make sense to the outside world, yet to me, they were my only option.

I also realized that I don't especially like being judged based on how another person acts, or reacts, and how that may or may not reflect on me as a direct, or indirect result. I tend to try and disappear as much as possible then, well... as much as possible anyway. It's not always that easy or simple. It's been a strange thing to be reminded that our actions can have a reaction in some way in another persons life- either positively, or negatively, and it was a unsettling thing to me, to be reminded of what I am capable of too.

I sometimes wonder too how black and white we see things to be. I know at times, I do, especially when looking from the outside into a situation. But I am reminded again and again that we don't know what's really happening, I can't judge what's going on, but have to maintain my course as much as I see is right and Godly, though it's not always easy when you can see yourself or others being indirectly effected.

In it all though, we are, as always being called to love one another, and to unity, that we are one body in Christ. That's the big picture.


Nick Zadrozny said...

Hear hear. It's particularly troubling to simply not be given the benefit of the doubt. Especially for someone who is in a habit of consciously and consistently extending that grace to others. But what can we do? Read a couple Psalms and practice not defending ourselves, I suppose :)

mazewu said...

ooo... question. (and this is potentially more as a result of nick's comment than the post. hi nick - never met - but have heard of you through cr circles).

Is there a point where we should defend ourselves? Is there a point where we become too door-mat-ish if we 'turn the other cheek'? (guess am thinking specifically in a leadership situation).


Miwa in HK said...

Yeah... tis a tough one.. think experience says it all turns out in the end, that time reveals the truth of the matter and whats really going on. It's not easy though!! Thanks for your comments guys:)