Friday, October 05, 2007

Joining the dots

You know how you can get those drawings where there are a series of dots with numbers beside them. You have to join the dots in sequence and from there the picture emerges...

I was reminded of that tonight in a conversation I had with someone on the way to the airport (I have been to the airport several times recently!:)) He said something to me tonight which confirmed much of which I have been praying about in recent days and weeks. I realized too, that it's easy to jump to conclusions and join the dots too soon, creating a very different picture, which may not have been intended.

So, while I am glad God doesn't show us the whole picture at once, it's great to see something beautiful unfold, yet at the same time, learning to be more patient, and wait to see what God is creating, rather than running ahead and second guessing him.

So once again I say.. how awesome is our God!:)

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