Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A perfect moment

I was away on holidays last week, and one of the highlights (and it was pretty much all a highlight!) was the first afternoon... sitting on a swinging chair, reading an awesome book, in a beautiful garden, with... a cup of tea! Awesome!

It doesn't often get too much better than that! I don't often have time to spend a good amount of time just sitting outside and reading, but it is one of my favorite things to do. Other factors that add to this can be the food eaten, time of day, if there is company(looking back over the years there have been only a few people who have really shared these times), location...

Anyway, it was a reminder to me of the little things in life and that it doesn't take too much for me to be happy... I don't think:) But that moment (well, couple of hours) was pretty special!

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