Sunday, December 16, 2007

the real MaCoy

I learned a new song the other day, about Jesus being the real thing, called.. The Real Thing, by Mark Nam and Tom Read... it was a slightly well, familiar kinda song, but at the same time, it was also really on the mark in terms of where it seems people are. We were talking about it later on, and realized then, and later again, that while there wasn't too much to it, it was also very true. We only have to look around to see people are looking, and searching for something to give our lives sense and meaning... and in a nut shell, Jesus is the Real Thing!

I was reminded later of some of my friends who I never tire of talking with. I so value their conversations as being real, and while we don't always agree, these guys are some of a few who I really enjoy real conversations with.

Thinking again about Christmas, I was struck again, by how real it was. The events were glorious and holy, but they met the people where they were at. The events used the basic things that were around those people. It was sooo complicated, all this random unconnected events that God used in perfect orchestration to bring everything together all at just the right time, to bring about the birth of Jesus, and the start of the days of God being with us in person. How amazing!

I think that I am still working out how to be real, genuine, to be me, to be God's daughter, and live out each day with those things in mind. Most of the time at the moment, I am not quite sure which is the official "me" or the real "me", and what's the difference anyway. There is so much going on right now, and not too much of it is shareable, but where does it stop... I so want to be open and honest, but and while it happens, there is sooo much that just seems to have to stay inside most of the time (and there are the times when I can't seem to keep a lid on it..). I know I don't get it right, and this week I really haven't as I have tried to walk clearly and specifically in God's presence, and got tied up in other things, and unsureness and uncertainty of the right way to go and act in each situation.... day by day, I guess..!

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