Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Aussie fighting spirit

Dear Australians,

Where has the great Australian Fighting spirit gone???? I am an Australian, who has returned to the Great South Land after 5 ½ years overseas. I have returned though to find a nation of people who are bombarded daily, wherever they look, with news of doom and gloom, of rising petrol prices, food prices and housing prices. Everywhere I have looked, it’s seems, we are being bombarded with negative news and how bad life is getting here. Pick a topic, any topic, and yes, something bad is happening.

And what’s more- the Australians seem to be believing it! As I look around, people seem to be shutting down, stepping away, and protecting themselves again unwanted dangers, perceived, or real, dangers. People are looking out more for themselves and their families and giving less time to working in community with their neighbours and friends. I look around and see countless people with varying degrees of depression, anxiety, and panic.

I say, stand up and fight! We have a beautiful nation, full of amazing people, we have seen times of hardship and challenge in the past, yet in my generation, life has been so good to us! Life is rich and good, and we are more blessed than at any other time, yet, we seem to be facing the battle of our collective lives the battle within!

Just imagine… waking up, each morning singing, or even thinking “oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I have a wonderful feeling, everything’s going my way!” (From the Rogers and Hammerstein musical, Oklahoma” Can you just imagine, just a little bit what that might feel like… really and honestly?? I know it might seem tacky at first…. But really… how wonderful would that be!

And as Christians, we have the ultimate Hope, we can put our faith in the One on whom the world is built on, the solid Rock, the great I AM. We have nothing to fear, nothing to hide from, but can go to our Heavenly Father who loves us beyond our wildest imagination! He came, that we would have life to the full, remember?!

Let’s recognize the lies for what they are. Let’s remember, and walk in the truth, or at least head in that direction!

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