Friday, October 24, 2008

Christmas present to Jesus

I was reminded again of the Christmas present I gave to Jesus last year (you may, or may not remember, depending on who you are, that where I used to live, Christmas day was a day for Celebrating Jesus’ birthday and giving thanks for him). It was, well painful, yet, incredibly precious, so wasn’t really something that could be shared easily. Anyway, I realised the depth of it this week, and the amazingness of God in so many ways.

So, my gift, was a shattered heart, one that had been torn, and I was returning it to him to put back together, his way. And he has done that, in so many ways, and very differently to the ways I might have expected! There are aspects that have been with me throughout my life that have been revealed, and while I am not there yet, God is at work, and showing me what he’s doing now- I can’t see the future, but, he’s brought me this far… I think I’m in safe hands!:)

I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice. Psalm51:17 Msg

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