Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hide and Seek...:)

Today has been such a lovely day of possibilities, hard work, and seeing things happening that will have a huge impact on the future! And how exciting is it??!! I still can't believe the things that God is putting into place, and has in store- for me! And while it may not be all that special or whatever in the eyes of the world, to me, it just shows again God's lavish, personal, unique love for each of his children!

I was reminded too, on my way home, of the verse in Jeremiah 29: 12-14...


You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I love the sureness, and steadfastness of this verse, that God will be found when we put him first. I love that he desires relationship with himself, and that we CAN trust in him no matter what!
And yes, there are days when I want to yell out.... God is GOOD, all the time, BIG time, hoo ha!:)

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