Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Tapestry's are an amazing thing. Standing back from one you see one picture, landscape, theme. Up close, there's a myriad of colours all woven together. You see where colours come together in different ways, and blend to make a new colour entirely, and where they separate into a new space.
Life is often likened to being like a tapastry, of seeing the way different elements give shape and texture, but to me, life is in the people, not the things, or events. It's in the relationships.

And within that lies a stupid amount of fear. Of being the foolish one, of placing too high a value on the place and importance of others in my life, and being let down. Of being taken for granted and for only what I can give. But then it's bringing things into the light that shows them for what they really are. Takes trust in God that goes beyond what I often feel like I have, and yet, He knows and is always trustworthy.

In thinking about tapestries this last week, I had initially been struck by some black holes, gaps of sorts. Some I have known about, while others were a revelation. Some are ones I have seen growing and want to deal with now, while some are ones that are growing because I'm afraid. Falling back into old habits of thinking is insulting, to me and to those around me, so look forward to living in what there is here, now and trusting God with all the rest, because while I have no idea what the finished tapestry looks like, He does.

And sitting in a cafe in the city, looking around and seeing some Christmas decorations- post it notes with Christmas wishes on them, among them Verses from Gods word and 'God loves you'!:)

He's far bigger than we think He is, but not too big that a single person is overlooked:)

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