Sunday, December 30, 2012

God words and promises

I was re-listening to several talks the other day- mostly from the beginning of this year. Something that struck me though was that as I listened back over prayers prayed, and looking forward into 2012, it was amazing to look back and see answered prayers, fulfilments of God's word in different ways.

In particular, one talk focussed on receiving promises, words from God and in it, asked for each one of us listening to be people who receive words from God. I haven't often received those, and in particular, not often had people come up to me with something that they have felt is from God. So, it has been immensly encouraging to see that happen on three occasions particularly stand out occastions this year. They have been entirely random (in an amazing, non-random God way), unique, and awesomely encouraging, and so often have been a life line to me. There have been others too, and other situations, pictures, words, encouragements and they add to the collective picture God is painting.

And while I don't know how any of it will turn out, they have anchored me to Him so often, and no matter what has been going on or I haven't understood, have invited me back to Him each time in a way only He can do.

So, I am looking forward to continuing forward, to seeing specific words fulfilled, and to be able to look back and see others in their fullness. And challenged to in the words I say to people all over again- challenged to speak in and through God's love for God, and for them.

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