Friday, April 27, 2007

I am concerned….

I was struck last night by how often I have made that comment this week… I am concerned. Mostly that has preceded something I have said about the kids here. I was thinking about it later on, and have generally thinking about a few things along that path in terms of the coming weeks, what concerned me, what I possibly should be concerned about yet wasn’t, where I was focussing my energies to make right, what were my priorities…

And what did I get out of it? That I think I could probably cope with anything so long as it was just me who had to cope with it! I have been concerned for, and raised concerns about the kids this week, as much of my time has been spent there, trying to make sure things are smooth, and transition well from one teacher to another. I have been much more concerned about that, and far less on the possibility that I might be taking on my old job again, as well as my current one(which, aside from training someone up next week, I’m not!)!

I have been curious to watch the areas where I am happy to spend/waste time to the areas of time that really frustrate me too! Parts of last night seemed like a complete and utter waste of time that just floated away in a way that seem so unproductive, unplanned, and unfulfilling, whereas other parts were completely constructive and ‘worthy’. Who puts these thoughts into our head anyway- and which really are the right ways to spend one’s time?!:) And today… well today I am just feeling incompetent!:)

I guess that this is where the theory comes into action again, the thought becomes deed, in prayer, in praise, in living a life of faith in Him who gives that life, reason to praise, reason to trust, and method of always keeping in touch!

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