Thursday, April 12, 2007

Random scary exciting moments in time!

Today was one of those days that just make you want to gasp!

You know those moments in time when you hit a peak, and see a spectacular view, or experience a moment, or something happens that just makes you want to fly, but more importantly see a glimpse of God in action, and a tiny bit of the big picture He has..?

Today was full of so many things but most of it veered from terror to pure excitement at the thrill of all the possibilities! This new job of mine, looking after all the new international people is just overwhelming and exhausting most of the time, but today, during conversations, walking through scary moments, writing emails, drinking coffee and meeting new people, were just a joy and delight! It was awesome! Terrifying, exciting, but awesome...!


Nic said...

after hearing about your new job, I reckon that you have the best job over there! of course, the problem is that you may not actually have time to do it, given all the other jobs that end up getting dumped on you! but, I think I'd love your job... :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah i agree with Nic, such a great opporutnity to be the first to welcome the new ones to HK.. well done. =)

Miwa in HK said...

:) yeah, Nic, you would have loved some of the conversations I have had this week:) all right up your street!:)

And yes, I wouldn't want to change my job in a hurry!:)