Saturday, March 24, 2007

Random shopping....

I was at the local supermarket tonight buying salad for dinner (turned out the easiest one to make was Greek!:) and a few other things. I have a few sections that I usually always go to to see what's on sale, primarily the cheeses, and the 'on sale' trolleys.

Anyway, in going past the deli section, I was astounded by the incredible, and random selection of goods we are able to buy here! Tonight's surprise was St Louis Style pork ribs! It's something I had never heard of before, but also surprised me, because I was actually going to be going to St Louis next month! Anyway, the trip fell through, but it looks like I can still try the ribs if I want:) I was going to be going for a conference, and was so looking forward to it, and to going to a new part of the world! Will have to see what else this year brings:)
Other random cultural things include Roschti, from Switzerland, fondue cheese, Corn bread packet mix, alpen, tim tams, and a great variety of mexican food. Some things that we really don't get, and I do miss, include roma tomatos and figs! now they are hard to come by!

One thing this year has brought, is a nice shiny lap top, so here I am writing this from the comfort of my home! How amazing! unfortnately, I am only writing it, as I can't seem to actually access my blog from this silly (but lovely!) thing!

And does it have a name? yup- Orion:)

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