Sunday, November 04, 2012

Faith is an act

Today had to be one of the most distracted days every...noticing it at morning tea today, there were many people I wanted to talk to, things to say, messages to pass on, and yet I knew it wasn't what I should be doing, so it was by sheer force of will at times that I stayed with what I was doing at the time.

It's frustrating at times, being in one place and wanting to be in another (not that where I was this morning wan't the right place to be and a place I wanted to be), and not be able to see a way through to the other place- too many impossible situations, and yet, the potential for the awesome, the possibilities once in those situations is awesome.

There were times in the day when I was wondering where the peace had gone, and yes, it was there when I went looking for Jesus in those moments, and at times had to find the words for good friends who were being awesome friends.

And have just read the coolest quote that is so right for this day...'When we believe God even the impossible becomes oportunity. Fath is an act.' (Todd Bently).

So, will keep walking in faith, sticking real close to Jesus, and trusting Him in the impossible:)

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